Let's ask some questions today, YOU know the answers. This is part one : -
Are you making a difference in your life?
Are you making a difference in someone else's life?
Are you growing tired about something in your life?
Are you doing anything about it?
Are you waiting for someone to change?
Are you going to be the change you want to see?
The most important question is are you
living for yourself? This means are you living out people's expectations of what you should be, or are you truly living out what you believe in, what inspires you, doing what motivates you? Pursuing your dreams, acting out and actualizing your goals and dreams.
Do you do things because others are doing them?
Do you fear being unique, being different, being you?
Do you sleep knowing you did all you could that do?
These are a few questions we need to
consider today, now, not tomorrow or later. They are to be asked
everyday, every time you wander in your own little cocoon. Did you
hear the story about the ugly caterpillar that died? Apparently,
this was announced tragically via the 1 o'clock news, just kidding.
But the caterpillar died in its cocoon
after a hard tedious journey through the vast bushes, eating
everything green it came across. And then one day it knew life was
going to end and it spun its own 'tomb' (cocoon). After a long
dormant almost death-like experience, a beautiful butterfly emerged
flying to soar the air, sharing the stage with likes of birds.
Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.
George Halas
Can you apply that to your own life? What the caterpillar (you) thought was going to be the end of an ugly, treacherous life (filled with failures, let downs, mockery, mistrust, fill in all the scars in your life) in the bushes (your circumstances, unfulfilled expectations); was actually the beginning of transformation, the beginning of beauty in the midst of scars. Suffering has a way of molding us into the next phase of life. You have to go through tough stuff so as to get tougher.
Lessons to learn :
Lessons to learn :
- Learn from the past
Definition of Past: having existed or taken place in a period before the present
Everything you go through in life helps in building a foundation for
what tomorrow holds. You have to learn from the past. The past does not define who you are, nor does it dictate who you are meant to be. Don't live, don't
dwell on or in the past. This will defeat the course of your journey.
Learn from your mistakes. Take the strides you need to move away from the past. Let it be THE PAST.
This also means don't carry with you the grudges of yesterday, the let downs of ages ago, the broken expectations and promises of the past to today. Let them go.
If you answer the questions above, then the present will be one good place to be.
Remember that you make the choices and decisions that shape the future. You may not know what it holds, but everything you do now will have a trickle effect into what the future might hold. Do your best. Today do your best with what you have now.
Don't sit worrying about the future. Otherwise the present will pass you by like the wind.
Everyone would want to know their future if given a chance. The truth is your future is in God's hands.
You don't know whether you will be breathing in the next minute. It's not a given. People live all their lives for tomorrow when today is all that matters. NOW is the big picture.
What if you lived your life starting from the end (death) towards the beginning (birth)? Would you live differently?
Let's answer these questions honestly and we will start the journey of being ourselves.
Psalms 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
- Your present state says nothing about your future.
Definition of Present: now existing or in progressThis is where you are at in life. The present will be the best place to be if you are not holding on to the past or are not trying to manipulate the future. It is what you should be able to change. You can choose to live your present life differently. Don't let your present circumstances and fears determine how you live. Take them as opportunities to greatness and not hurdles as they may seem. Use them as steps to actualizing your dreams.
If you answer the questions above, then the present will be one good place to be.
Remember that you make the choices and decisions that shape the future. You may not know what it holds, but everything you do now will have a trickle effect into what the future might hold. Do your best. Today do your best with what you have now.
Don't sit worrying about the future. Otherwise the present will pass you by like the wind.
- Your future is out of your hands. Get used to that!
Definition of Future: expressive of time yet to comeThe future is molded by your present. It is a reflection of your past and present culminated into one. Very unpredictable.
Everyone would want to know their future if given a chance. The truth is your future is in God's hands.
You don't know whether you will be breathing in the next minute. It's not a given. People live all their lives for tomorrow when today is all that matters. NOW is the big picture.
What if you lived your life starting from the end (death) towards the beginning (birth)? Would you live differently?
Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Let's answer these questions honestly and we will start the journey of being ourselves.
Psalms 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.